• Gynecomastia meaning ‘Women like breast’ is a medical term used for abnormal Male Breast Enlargement.
• Gynecomastia affects up to two-thirds of pubescent boys and half of all men.
• Fat cells produce small amounts of estrogen, which further fuels male breast enlargement.

Gynecomastia meaning ‘Women like breast’ is a medical term used for abnormal Male Breast Enlargement. Although rarely talked about, this condition is far more common than men realize. It may affect one breast or both.

Gynecomastia affects up to two-thirds of pubescent boys and half of all men. Male breast enlargement that arises in puberty often resolves on its own, within a matter of months, as hormone levels normalize. When the condition arises in adulthood, it tends to persist. Here's why: As men age, they tend to lose testosterone and gain weight. The former contributes to gynecomastia (which is actually defined as enlargement of glandular tissue within the breasts), the latter to a related condition known as pseudogynecomastia, in which enlargement is caused by deposits of fatty tissue under the breasts, explains Jacobs. What's more, scientists now know that fat cells produce small amounts of estrogen, which further fuels male breast enlargement.

What is Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

Typically it involves Liposuction done through a small stab incision in the axilla, to remove the excess fatty & Glandular tissues. If Glandular tissue is firm, it needs to be excised by a small incision in the periareolar area. In Post Bariatric cases, Skin excision may also be needed.

Will my Chest look Normal ? Will I have loose skin?

Surgery will result in a firm, flat & more contoured chest. Skin because of its elastic property will reshape to chest new contour. Results are permanent.

Will there be any scar?

There are small (5-6mm)scar at the entry point of Liposuction ports, which will be hidden in Axillary crease. There may be some scarring in the Nipple-Areola region but it fades away with time.

How can I proceed for Surgery?

Male Breast reduction is a daycare procedure. You are asked to come to hospital in the morning.
It is done under Sedation/General Anaesthesia. The surgery last 1-2hrs on average.
You will be shifted to your room after that. Your Chest would be wrapped in gauze dressings.
You can go back home in the evening.
There may be some Post operative Swelling& bruising over the chest, but it settles down fast.

Follow Up?

First follow up on 3rd day after surgery. Your gauze dressings would be removed & will be asked to wear pressure garment for at least 1-3 months.
After that, you will be called on 7th day for stitch removal.

When can i resume my normal activities?

You can resume your personal chorus from the evening. But we advise you to keep your activities restricted for at least 3 days.
Vigorous movements of the arm may be restricted for a few weeks.

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